Vocal Vocabulary

This bulletin board is quick to make and looks impressive. I put it up around Valentine's Day, but it could go up anytime. First I drew several sets of lips (some with fangs, some smiley with a little teeth showing) and then copied them on to red and pink paper. I then wrote some vocal vocabulary words and definitions on them and stapled to a plain black background. Simple to make. Neat to look at. *sigh* And for those of you who are pressed for time, here are the terms and definitions (you're welcome!).

ballad - a song that tells a story

a capella - choral music with out instrumental accompaniment

cantata - vocal work for 1 or more voices with musical accompaniment

chorale - a hymn tune of the German Protestant Church

lyrics - words to a song

oratoria - a setting of a religious libretto for soloists, chorus and orchestra

aria - an elaborate solo with instrumental accompaniment (usually part of an opera)




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